Welcome to PencilMoments ! If you are looking for world-class artists, amazing oil painting reproductions, and stunning original artwork, you are in the right place. We can bring ageless masterwork to any space by creating unbelievable replicas (and original art pieces) in the form of acrylic/ oil paintings and canvas sets.
You can search for pieces that compliment every possible room, in styles like Landscape, portrait, and abstract. These are just some of the categories available. And, of course, you can search for work by your favorite old-time masters.
Our acrylic/oil reproductions are created on canvas with quality materials, capturing with unprecedented accuracy, the very same techniques, styles, and stories expressed in the original artwork. In the same spirit of excellence, we offer an extensive selection of Moments Penciled.
In addition to painting, PencilMoments can also create stylish photo to acrylic/oil paintings, turning snapshots of those special moments and people in your life into timeless masterpieces.
The only limit is your imagination. Explore our website now to discover beautiful, inspiring artworks that will invigorate your home and business.
Approximate selling price is $40 per Sq Ft for Contemporary and $60 per Sq Ft for Realistic Paintings.
Thinking of capturing your cherished moments with pencil strokes as gift to your loved ones for Birthday’s, Anniversaries and other special days.
Let us make your treasured memory shine on the wall and stay with you forever!
Take first step and send us the image you cherish. I will need clear photos so that fine details can easily be seen and then drawn. If I can not see everything it’s kind of like drawing blindly, so low quality photos can never be used for realistic drawings. Natural light or light to one side is much better then full frontal flash, which tends to flatten out the subject.
Look over your photos and email me your favorites. Send a few photos if you’re unsure what will make a great reference, I’ll let you know which one is best. Once a photo is chosen I will email you the prices (for any sizes you request) and how long it will take to complete your drawing.
The size of your portrait is what you would see through an opening in a mat, which is that heavy-paper part of a picture frame underneath the frame glass. The ‘size’ is what you pay for while the paper I work on is about an inch bigger all the way around. The artwork is sprayed with light layers of fixative to prevent smudging. I sign the front bottom and contact details on back side.
1 Head
- 8×10 inch ( $60.00 )
- 11×14 inch ( $75.00 )
- 16×20 inch ( $90.00 )
2 Heads
- 8×10 inch ( $90.00 )
- 11×14 inch ( $110.00 )
- 16×20 inch ( $140.00 )
3 Heads
- 11×14 inch ( $150.00 )
- 16×20 inch ( $190.00 )
4 Heads
- 16×20 inch ( $240.00 )
Please contact for custom size price
Please Note: The following price list applies to head and shoulder portraits of people and pets only.
For full figure drawings please add an additional $50.00 per full figure.
Vehicles, buildings, or other inanimate objects incur an additional fee of $65.00 on top of the prices listed below.
Detail involved in these objects, they often take several hours longer to complete.
* EXTRA SUBJECT: The portrait price includes one subject as mentioned above. Each subject over one costs extra by the amounts listed below. For example, if your portrait contained a person, a dog, and a wooded background, then you would pay for two extra subjects (dog and background).
I can give you an exact price only after I know what I will be drawing. A down payment will be required at the start of the drawing, and final payment on completion. The turn around for your finished drawing will be anywhere from 2 weeks to one month. Updated progress images of your drawing will be emailed to you from start to finish. EXPEDITED SERVICE AVAILABLE.
* Charges exclude FRAMING: If you desire, I can put your portrait into a clean elegant mat and wooden frame.
Choose frame from Aaron Bothers or Michaels website.
One stop Arangetram shop in Bay Area, USA.
Every event is unique and we accommodate for an unlimited variety of customizations in the design.
Customers have direct input with the artist for immediate changes, suggestions, and enhancements.
Communication made more efficient, being in the same local time zone.We design and print beautiful personalized :
Guest book /photo book
Personalized gift bags